Michael and Samantha were no strangers to homelessness. After Michael’s parents died, he’d lived in his car trying to make ends meet. And Samantha’s trouble with drug use had led to homelessness for her, as well.

Giving thanks for YOU- Michael and Samantha share how your support changed their lives!

Evita was 5 years old when her mother went to prison. She often had to choose between living in dangerous foster homes or on the streets. She became homeless. “I was in utter disbelief… just lost,” she says. But because you gave to the Fresno Mission, Evita’s life will never be the same…

Leticia Costilla
The love YOU share gives neighbors like Leticia hope for a better life…

Evita was 5 years old when her mother went to prison. She often had to choose between living in dangerous foster homes or on the streets. She became homeless. “I was in utter disbelief… just lost,” she says. But because you gave to the Fresno Mission, Evita’s life will never be the same…

Evita is celebrating Easter with JOY… thanks to you!

because of your support

You’ve given him hope and new life this holiday!

Steven’s childhood was a painful cycle of heartbreak and grief. When he was just 6 years old, his father passed away from cancer. His mother remarried… but his new stepfather struggled with addiction.

“The most traumatic experience happened when I was 11 years old,” Steven says. “My stepfather committed suicide… I was the one who found him, and this changed the trajectory of my life.”

Although Steven’s grandparents stepped in to rescue him from this difficult home environment, it wasn’t enough to erase his painful memories. “I began drinking alcohol to cope… and this led to a 10-year journey of drinking every single day.”

After a bad car accident left him critically injured, Steven realized he needed help to truly find freedom from drinking and heal his life.

“I had so many opportunities… but I felt empty.”

Steven came to the Fresno Mission and joined our Academy program for men, where he strengthened his faith and learned the skills he needed to live a stable life. “I’ve learned the importance of serving others and putting God first,” he says.

Not only has Steven’s life been restored through the program, but he’s seen the impact on his family. “They’ve witnessed this change in me, and that’s helped move my family closer to the Lord. The Mission helps heal families.” 

With a degree in business management, Steven hopes to eventually earn his master’s and work full-time at the Mission. “My goal is to work with unhoused people and take what I’ve learned here to minister to others. God has called me to serve.” 

For now, he is working in our auto department, helping to sell used vehicles that provide valuable funding for the Mission’s programs and services.

Steven’s heart is overflowing with gratitude this Thanksgiving for YOUR generosity that helped him rebuild his life. “I am very thankful that the Mission has empowered me to reach beyond my addiction to the possibilities now available to me.”

Steven’s story appeared in the Fall 2023 edition of Lighthouse News.

Steven is grateful & blessed this Thanksgiving

And giving him hope & new life!

For years, Nathan struggled to feel like he belonged. At school, with his friends and even with his family, he felt like an outsider.

“I was adopted from Colombia by a white family,” he says, “and grew up in a predominantly white community. I dealt with a lot of racism and struggled with my identity.”

At home, physical abuse and alcoholism among his family made Nathan’s low self-worth even worse. “As I grew up, I just kept finding ways to stay out and not come home… It wasn’t an environment I wanted to be in.”

Sadly, along this road, Nathan discovered alcohol… and then drugs. “It helped me numb the pain I was going through,” he says. “It just continued to escalate.”

Nathan thought he’d never be able to stop using substances – until he watched an overdose take his girlfriend’s life. “I was at my wit’s end… homeless and with nowhere to go. I got on my knees and prayed for God to save me.”

Soon after, Nathan came to the Fresno Mission, where his life began to change.

“The Mission has given me a fresh vision for my future.”

Through biblical classes and Christian mentorship in our program, Nathan experienced what he calls a “spiritual awakening.”

“The Mission taught me who God really is and who I am through Him… I’ve found my identity in Jesus Christ,” he says.

The other men in our program have become like brothers to Nathan, encouraging him on his journey to rebuild his life. Today, he is taking steps to become a solar energy contractor, saving money and he hopes one day to own his own business!

Nathan is thankful for the kindness and compassion of loving neighbors like you – and how you’ve given him hope for the future. “I’m thankful to the Mission for giving me a fresh start and a new life.”

Nathan’s story appeared in the Summer 2023 edition of Lighthouse News.

Thank you for loving your neighbor, Nathan,

Because of you, she has a new beginning this Easter!

“I didn’t know that what I went through as a child was going to affect me so much as an adult,” Celia says.

Growing up with a mother who was an alcoholic, and a father who was in and out of prison and addiction, Celia’s life was chaotic from an early age. 

When she was molested as a teenager, it sent her searching for a way to escape the emotional pain and trauma. “For the next 15 years, I was in and out of my addiction,” she says. 

“Spiritually, I was dead. There was no joy. There was no peace… It was just a lot of chaos.”

Sadly, Celia’s own children experienced a similar upbringing to hers. “My ex-husband was in and out of jail, too,” Celia says. “And there was just a lot of violence that my kids saw.” 

When Celia was served divorce papers, she feared that she might lose her children. “That’s when I ended up taking my four kids to the Fresno Mission… and I started to see God move in our lives.”

“The Mission is more than a shelter or program. It’s a place of restoration.”

Celia and her children found safe housing together through our Rescue the Children program, and with the guidance of our staff and classes, Celia began to address the root causes of her addiction. “Through the program, I learned that drugs were just a symptom of what was really wrong.”

Today, Celia is on staff at the Mission, as a case manager for Rescue the Children. “It’s just awesome to be able to see women like me go through the process and be able to help them… I wouldn’t change my job for anything.”

With Christ’s love in her life and hope for her future, Celia can’t thank you enough for your support this Easter. “I just want to thank all the supporters of the Mission for helping women like me to have a second chance at life.”

Celia’s story appeared in the Easter 2023 edition of Lighthouse News.

Celia Gonzalez
<strong>Thank you for restoring hope to Celia’s life.  </strong>

As lead cook at the Fresno Mission, Tania knows firsthand that life transformation often begins with a warm welcome and a hot meal at our dining room table.

You might not know it if you met her today, but a few years ago, Tania was experiencing homelessness. “I was on the streets and I had no hope,” she says.

For years, Tania felt a painful emptiness in her life, which she tried to fill with substances. Sadly, addiction ultimately left her separated from her children and struggling to find any purpose in her life. 

“I wasn’t getting anywhere in life… I didn’t want to live anymore. I was done,” she says.

Tania was actually planning to take her life when, one night, she heard God’s voice – which planted a seed of hope that she could change. 

“I had a hole in my heart for years… but when I came to the Mission, it was filled.” 

At the Mission, Tania found help for her immediate needs – like food and shelter – as well as emotional support through Christian counseling and classes to work through some of the triggers of her addiction.  

“The Mission helped me learn how to love myself… and figure out my goals to move forward and get my family back.” 

Today, Tania has her own place to live, a car and she’s even reconnected with one of her daughters again! And she enjoys working at the Mission, serving nourishing meals to hungry guests seeking help at our doors. “It’s an honor to work here, to love people like Jesus loves and watch lives be transformed every day.” she says.
Tania is excited to celebrate the restored hope she has been given this Christmas – and wants YOU to know just how grateful she is. “I thank all the Mission’s volunteers and donors, because they’re changing lives. It’s making a difference in our city… and in the kingdom of God.”

Tania’s story appeared in the Holiday 2022 edition of Lighthouse News.

Tania Fresno Mission Holiday Newsletter
Tania’s celebrating this Christmas, thanks to you!

“I went in and out of addiction and homelessness…”

Zachary’s story

“I knew God, but I was angry at him…”

Summer Newsletter Story
Susana is so grateful. You have given her new life!

“God’s Word started to soften my heart…”

This Easter, Luis celebrates the hope of new life, thanks to YOU!